Saturday, August 11, 2012

Take 2

Yesterday we received confirmation of our impending second transfer date.  At this stage it is looking to be Thursday 16th August.  We have decided to attempt to grow the embryos to Blastocyst (5 day old embryos) stage in the hope to improve our chances of becoming pregnant. Obviously the downside to this method is an increased chance of multiple pregnancy.  At this stage, we'll cross that bridge if we come to it.

So only a few days away now before the transfer takes place.

Here's hoping.

Stay tuned....


  1. Good luck boys! looking forward to some good news.......

  2. all 30 of our fingers are crossed for you guys. GOOD LUCK!

  3. Thanks all. Here we go again....

  4. sending extra sticky baby dust your way, best of luck guys x
